Engage Martial Arts 316 First Ave #50 Kittanning, PA 16201 724-548-8045

ATA Martial Arts Kids is a specialized program created exclusively for children. The foundation of the Martial Arts Kids curriculum is the education and development of life-skills such as positive mental attitude, high goal setting, perseverance, self-control and confidence.
Martial Arts Kids training is designed to be fun and fulfilling for each student. This is because Taekwondo is an individual activity rather than a team sport. Therefore every student is an active and valuable participant in class. They work out with kids their own age and progress at their own pace. Classes are divided by rank (belt color) and experience with a curriculum designed to challenge students while building self confidence.
Get your first month of training for only $49 and receive a free uniform!
Songahm Spirit of Taekwondo
Recite at the Beginning Class
I will practice in the Spirit of Taekwondo
With Courtesy for fellow students
Loyalty for my Instructors
And Respect for my Juniors and Seniors
Songahm Spirit of Taekwondo
Recite at the End Class
I shall live in Perseverance
in the Spirit of Taekwondo
Having Honor with others
Integrity within myself
And Self Control in my actions
Martial Arts Kids Coloring &
Activity Pages
Korean & American Flags Coloring Page
Practice Outside Coloring Page
Martial Arts Kids Beginners

Students of all ages and ability levels can participate in Taekwondo! Because every student is different in their ability levels when beginning, ATA has system in place where students can gain confidence while progressing through the ranks at their own speed. Martial Arts Kids begin their journey at the White Belt Recommended(9W).
Beginner students focus on building coordination and flexibility while learning the basics of Taekwondo. Students in this class will also learn how to handle bullying, self defense techniques and improve their situational awareness with non-contact sparring.
The MAK program also has avatars of each belt rank to help students connect with important life skills at every level.

While Aaron may be timid and soft-spoken, little does he know that the journey he’s set out to explore will be full of excitement, discovery, challenges, and growth. At ATA Martial Arts, Aaron has made new friends and learned new techniques. They love practicing their blocks, strikes, and kicks slowly together. Most of all, Aaron has learned that when you stand tall, look others in the eye, and speak clearly, you will become a confident leader.
• White Belt
• Age: 7
• Ethnicity: Asian
• Favorite Food: Tacos
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Basketball
• Favorite Movie: Animation
• Favorite Color: Green
• Favorite School Subject: Math
• Favorite Technique: Punch
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Kicking Pads
Bella is such a character. She has a heart of gold and enjoys helping others.
Unfortunately, in helping others, Bella finds it hard to balance keeping up with her
training. Bella is learning coordination by practicing techniques like Double Outer
Forearm Block. Overall, Bella is beginning to realize that it’s best to help others after she’s focused on and completed her tasks first.
• Orange Belt
• Age: 11
• Ethnicity: Native American
• Favorite Food: Chicken & Dumplings
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Reading
• Favorite Movie: Fantasy
• Favorite Color: Hot Pink
• Favorite School Subject: Math
• Favorite Technique: Double Outer Forearm Block
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Board Breaking

Niles is very independent and driven. He also is confident in his goal of
becoming the best Black Belt, he can be. However, Niles tends to find it
challenging to perform his Forms in front of others. After demonstrating
the Front Kick in Songahm #3, Niles freezes up and begins to execute
the moves out of order. An excellent lesson for Niles is to breathe, slow
down, and ask others for assistance.
• Yellow Belt
• Age: 8
• Ethnicity: African American
• Naya’s Brother
• Favorite Food: Peanut Butter & Jelly
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Soccer
• Favorite Movie: Sci-Fi
• Favorite Color: Blue
• Favorite School Subject: Earth Science
• Favorite Technique: Front Kick
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Traditional Weapons (Gum Do)
Martial Arts Kids Intermediate Ranks

Intermediate color belt students begin more advanced training with safe light contact sparring with safety gear and more difficult techniques. Sparring helps students improve their reaction time, speed, stamina and problem solving skills. It is a lot of fun and a great workout!

Renee is very tall and athletic for their age—many mistaken her for a
teenager. When Renee practices the Reverse Side Kick, you can hear her
Uniform pop! She avoids sparring practice because she is afraid of hurting
her classmates. However, she must overcome this fear and learn self-control because sparring is not about violence; it’s about strategy and
maintaining proper distance.
• Camo Belt
• Age: 10
• Ethnicity: Indian
• Favorite Food: Cheese Pizza
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Dancing
• Favorite Movie: Fantasy
• Favorite Color: Purple
• Favorite School Subject: History
• Favorite Technique: Side Kick
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Forms
Keoni is one of nine siblings. Although he is small in stature, he is significant in personality. Keoni is known for being responsible and a great leader by being a positive role model in and outside the martial arts classroom. However, Keoni is learning that to help others improve; he must change himself first. Recently, he found it tricky to perform the number one round kick in Songahm #5 with power and balance.
• Green Belt
• Age: 9
• Ethnicity: Polynesian
• Favorite Food: Pizza
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Surfing
• Favorite Movie: Anime
• Favorite Color: Black
• Favorite School Subject: P.E.
• Favorite Technique: Knifehand High Block
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Traditional Weapons (Ssahng Joel Bong)

Chloe has been training in ATA Martial Arts for a while now. She is starting to realize that the techniques and forms are becoming more challenging. See, although Chloe is a talented martial artist, she has a habit of following the other students rather than demonstrating her material independently. Chloe often gets turned around whenever she executes the Square Block in In Wha Il Jahng. The Instructor reminds Chloe, “Practice makes habit!” However, Chloe must put forth the effort to create good habits and demonstrate to her parents and Instructor she is independent and has what it takes to perform In Wha #1 by herself.
• Purple Belt
• Age: 9
• Ethnicity: Irish American
• Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Painting
• Favorite Movie: Comedy
• Favorite Color: Yellow
• Favorite School Subject: English
• Favorite Technique: Round Kick
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Traditional Weapons (Jahng Bong)
Martial Arts Kids Advanced Ranks

Advanced color belt students begin board breaking to demonstrate power and proper technique. They also learn more complex techniques and combinations.

Mario is very bright and goal oriented. He has no trouble passing tests at school,
and he always brings home excellent report cards. However, there is one goal that
Mario has yet to achieve: ATA State Champion. Mario is learning that a critical
component to achieve your goals is balance. He must set aside time to train outside of the Dojang. Therefore, Mario must create a training schedule to organize and succeed at ATA Tournaments just like he does at school work. Do you believe Mario will achieve his goal of becoming a State Champion?
• Blue Belt
• Age: 11
• Ethnicity: Hispanic
• Favorite Food: Steak and Potatoes
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Remote Control Cars
• Favorite Movie: Action
• Favorite Color: Teal
• Favorite School Subject: Robotics
• Favorite Technique: Jump Side Kick
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Combat Sparring
Naya is kind to everyone and tries very hard to make sure others know that they matter. Naya realizes her abilities are different from the other students. But that doesn’t stop her because she is learning it is essential to use our “inability” to do something most people deem normal as our ability to do something different. Naya looks forward to modifying the techniques in her Form while training with her Instructor. Modifying the traditional Form techniques has helped Naya become an excellent Creative Forms competitor. You should see what Naya can do with her chair!
• Brown Belt
• Age: 10
• Ethnicity: African American
• Niles’ Sister
• Favorite Food: Sushi
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Choir
• Favorite Movie: Musicals
• Favorite Color: Green
• Favorite School Subject: Music
• Favorite Technique: Upset Knifehand Strike
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Creative Forms

Brayden is a high rank in the Dojang. He trains consistently and has starting to notice younger and lower rank students look up to him. Brayden has expressed to his Instructor that he wants to be a great leader and an outstanding Black Belt. However, Brayden is having difficulty envisioning himself passing his next belt test. Brayden is known for his Jump Round Kick in Choong Jung #2. However, Brayden can’t seem to break the board within three attempts with this technique. Should Brayden give up, try an easier technique, or train the Jump Round Kick correctly until he succeeds?
• Red Belt
• Age: 10
• Ethnicity: Caucasian
• Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets & Fries
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Local Theatre
• Favorite Movie: Action
• Favorite Color: Red
• Favorite School Subject: Drama
• Favorite Technique: Palm Heel Strike
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Free Sparring
Martial Arts Kids Black Belt Ranks
Students who have completed all of the color belt ranks can test for the rank of Black Belt. 1st Degree Black Belt is the beginning of the Black Belt Journey where students start learning exciting new techniques, weapons training, self defense techniques and more. Black Belt isn't the end of the journey, it's just the beginning!

Samir has learned the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.
After several attempts at breaking the board with a Jump Round Kick, he succeeded. However, he realizes that there is always more to learn. Samir has committed to his parents and instructor to reviewing the basic techniques and continue to master them as he prepares for his First Degree Black Belt Decided.
• Black Belt Recommended
• Age: 9
• Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
• Favorite Food: Pasta
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Trampolining
• Favorite Movie: Comedy
• Favorite Color: Orange
• Favorite School Subject: Tech Lab
• Favorite Technique: High X-Block
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Combat Sparring
Rico is no longer a color belt. He has channeled the primary attributes
needed to one day become an instructor or even a Master. Over the coming
years, Rico will learn the responsibilities of being a Songahm Martial Artist. While
a martial artist’s journey is different for everyone, the common thread among
Martial Arts Kids are honor, accountability, humility, and respect.
• Black Belt
• Age: 12
• Ethnicity: Italian
• Name is Ricardo, friends call him Rico
• Favorite Food: Bacon Cheese burger
• Favorite Extra-Curricular Activity: Video Games
• Favorite Movie: Action
• Favorite Color: Blue
• Favorite School Subject: Biology
• Favorite Technique: Spin Hook Kick
• Favorite Taekwondo Event: Free Sparring

How do Martial Arts Kids (MAK) move up to Teen & Adult Classes?
Most MAK students move up to our Teen & Adult Program when they turn 13. Although we do make exceptions for students who may be ready to move up before they turn 13 if they are mature or tall for their age. We try to make sure each student is in the class that will benefit them the most, regardless of age. The main difference between MAK and Teen & Adult Classes is the amount of curriculum taught and independent work during classes. MAK classes work on the same thing together during their entire class. Teen & Adult Classes work together on warm ups and drills, but then begin to work on their own rank material independently while an Instructor comes around to each rank to work with them. When our Instructors observe that a student is ready to move up to the Teen & Adult class, they will have a conversation with the student and their parents.
Do MAK students start over at White Belt when they move up to Teen & Adult Classes?
No! MAK students train using the same techniques the Teens & Adults. Teen & Adult students learn more of the curriculum at once during their classes and therefore have the opportunity to advance through the belt ranks at a faster pace.