Combat Set - Weapon & Gloves
Save when you buy a Combat Bahng Mahng EE and Combat Gloves at the same time!
Combat Bahng Mahng EE is a different type of sparring using a special extra padded weapon to attack with. It's fast paced and a lot of fun! Combat Bahng Mahng EE sparring helps students improve their reaction time, endurance, strategy formulation and speed. Students can also compete with Combat Bahng Mahng EE at tournaments!
Please note: The newest version of ATA approved Combat Bahng Mahng EE Gloves are red/black. The previous version were white. Both types are allowed for student use, the color students will recieve depends on current in stock items. If you have a specific preference, please see Mrs. Cramer.
Only for sale for students of Butler ATA Martial Arts in Butler, PA. If you attend another ATA school, please contact your Instructor for purchase options.